Businesses continue to grapple with the latest incarnation of an increasingly familiar paradox: millions of open positions but not enough talent to fill those roles. It may be time to fundamentally shift your talent hiring mindset.
Over the past years, we’ve partnered with enterprises, local governments, and nonprofits in regional reskilling efforts to co-create pathways into skilled jobs—for workers displaced by COVID-19—and post pandemic. Our e-book, Community Reskilling: How Public-Private Partnerships Are Creating New Pathways to Economic Mobility, highlights this work and gives employers a place to start when rethinking how they access talent.
Download this resource to:
- Understand the role of enterprises, local governments, and nonprofits in successful community reskilling initiatives.
- Get practical examples of real community reskilling programs and understand their outcomes.
- Learn about the community reskilling model and how it might apply to your business or community.