Get your skills fit with our Let’s Get Technical event series. March 11-27

Build your AI-ready workforce with insights from our State of Tech Talent 2025 report.

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    Resources E-Books Book of Champions: Building a Workforce With Skills at the Center
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    Book of Champions: Building a Workforce With Skills at the Center

    The truth is, skills are moving much faster than people can. And while the promise of better, faster, and stronger technology becomes more accessible, actually harnessing all the new tech is still largely out of scope for most businesses. 

    Yet while the crisis of skills remains prominent, it’s also led to an evolution for many career seekers to expand their horizons—and even successfully change their careers with or without a traditional college education.  

    At General Assembly, we’ve always believed that people should be measured by their potential, not their pedigree. Our over 400 enterprise clients across the globe have leveraged our nontraditional tech training and talent solutions to stay ahead in this world of rapidly changing technology, and you can, too

    Download our Book of Champions and get started.

    Book of Champions: Building a Workforce With Skills at the Center

    Download the E-Book
