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Career Tarotscopes for March 2024

General Assembly
March 1, 2024
Career Tarotscopes

Rebecca Szymczak, aka Cardsy B, author of The Saturn Diaries and tarot reader to the stars, consulted her cards and has tips for which signs should dive deep into March’s Piscean intuition to implement new strategies and which signs should pause until the equinox at month’s end to make any sudden moves. She also has some cosmic timing suggestions regarding when to schedule important meetings and when to make requests from bosses and clients.

March is the breakthrough month between winter and spring, which also acts as the catalyst for more light and illumination to enter, especially regarding areas where we may have felt stuck or stagnant. We enter March in Pisces season with Mercury, the planet of communication, also in Pisces, meaning paying attention to our intuition and non-verbal cues when making decisions at work is even more critical than ever. Right before the new moon in Pisces on March 10, Venus moves into Aquarius, encouraging us to be mindful of what we share and with whom regarding new ventures and upcoming career plans — timing is everything this month. On March 19, the spring equinox brings a powerful, energetic recalibration of equal parts light and darkness to aid us in re-centering ourselves and our goals. We wrap the month with the full moon in Libra on March 25. This full moon is also a lunar eclipse that, due to its Libra placement, will be particularly beneficial to those working in legal, communications, and tech-related roles.

All signs will receive new insights and a deeper understanding of where you’re headed in the next steps of your career this month. Pisces season is all about getting in touch with your most authentic self and bringing that out to the world — so read on to see what the cards have in store.

Aries/Aries Rising (March 21 to April 19)

Card: 2 of Swords

The door you’ve been wanting to move through will open this month, Aries. This opportunity may be hidden in a crossroads, but your intuition is the key to choosing the right path.

Highlight: The Momentum You’ve Been Craving Is Here

If the stagnation of 2023 was spilling over into February, March picks up for you the closer we head to the equinox and the beginning of Aries season on the 19th. This may come in the way of a review or important meeting at month’s end.

Heads Up: Prioritize Intuition Over Analysis

There’s a crucial choice to make this month between two opportunities. Two of Swords indicates that intellect and intuition are needed to decide, but trust your intuition to have the final say.

Mantra: Don’t Think Just Do

Darth Vader

Taurus/Taurus Rising (April 20 to May 20)

Card: The Hierophant

The Hierophant, ruled by Taurus, brings lessons that are sometimes challenging but are always a huge catalyst for growth. Information about a colleague or client will likely come to light shortly after the new moon in Pisces on March 10.

Highlight: Aha Moments 

Though what is revealed regarding a particular colleague or project may not be great news, it confirms things you may have suspected. This news allows you to reach a solution faster, ultimately setting you up for more success.

Heads Up: Resist the Urge to Look Backward

It may be tempting to beat yourself up for not seeing signs or catching things sooner, but trust that this has all been revealed at the perfect time for you to thrive moving forward.

Mantra: Beginning to See the Light

Velvet Underground

Gemini/Gemini Rising (May 21 to June 20)

Card: Justice

Last month’s activations in your fellow air sign, Aquarius, were a powerful reset for you, Gemini. You may have found that things that were previously overwhelming for you have either been completed or are no longer a part of your role, allowing you to move forward with a clear runway.

Highlight: You Have More Advocates Than You Realize

Your workload appears more harmonious this month, mirroring the balance ushered in with the equinox at the end of the month. Don’t forget that even though things are going more smoothly, you don’t have to do everything solo. You have a lot of allies that can support you in projects and outreach this month.

Heads Up: Balance is Key 

This season’s shift in direction is empowering, but make sure not to burn yourself out due to excitement.

Mantra: We Can Work it Out

The Beatles

Cancer/Cancer Rising (June 21 to July 22)

Card: Knight of Cups

Intense energy shifts last month in Aquarius season may have caused you to retreat behind the safety of your Cancerian crab shell in February. The new moon in a fellow water sign, Pisces, reminds you of the joy you receive from being a nurturing leader.

Highlight: Stepping into Your Mentor Era

March provides opportunities, whether a promotion, new projects you’re heading up, or all of the above, to step into more prominent leadership roles where you can guide others in new ways.

Heads Up: Lead By Example

It’s important to practice what you preach at work this month. For example, if you tell your team you want everyone to have a work-life balance, ensure you’re not sending out work emails at 10 p.m.

Mantra: Not All Heroes Wear Capes

Owl City

Leo/Leo Rising (July 23 to August 22)

Card: 7 of Swords

You may have been deciding between multiple opportunities or gauging the right time to make a move since the end of last year. Leo’s fiery nature can sometimes cause impatient and premature decisions, but you’ve held strong, and March is your time to make big decisions.

Highlight: Your Strategy is Paying Off

Seven of Swords indicates that you’ve been playing a well-organized chess game regarding your next move. It’s time to go all-in by the full moon in Libra at the end of the month (March 25).

Heads Up: Ask All the Questions Upfront 

This month’s full moon in Libra reminds you to ask all the questions (even those you may be nervous to hear the answers to) regarding new opportunities offered to you.

Mantra: Go Big or Go Home

American Ways

Virgo/Virgo Rising (August 23 to September 22)

Card: 3 of Wands

Three of Wands indicates that a big opportunity is coming this month. You’ve been preparing for this and may even have begun to receive news about this around the time of the full moon in Virgo at the end of February.

Highlight: Go All-In

Virgos are notorious perfectionists. Don’t waste time overthinking or over-preparing. You already have everything you need to impress those on an upcoming call or meeting regarding a new opportunity.

Heads Up: You’re Not in This Alone

Virgos tend to go it alone and aren’t always the best at delegating or receiving help. You have resources around you that can make things much easier — make sure to utilize them.

Mantra: Whatever It Takes

Imagine Dragons

Libra/Libra Rising (September 23 to October 22)

Card: 7 of Cups

This month’s full moon on March 25 in your sign clarifies just how many options you have available to you.

Highlight: You Have the Final Say

You may feel things were out of reach or were chosen for you through most of last year. This month’s reset with the equinox and full moon in Libra reminds you that you are, in fact, in the driver’s seat. Empower yourself to choose accordingly.

Heads Up: Don’t Let a Deadline Pressure You to Choose Rashly

Just as soon as many options are revealed to you, it also becomes clear that some decisions are time-sensitive with relatively short deadlines. Don’t let the pressure overwhelm you — identify your next move calmly and intuitively.

Mantra: Freedom of Choice


Scorpio/Scorpio Rising (October 23 to November 21)

Card: King of Pentacles

If March comes in like a lion, the King of Pentacles will help you enter like a boss. This month will set you up for career and financial upgrades that will continue throughout the next six months.

Highlight: Well-Deserved Abundance is On the Way to You

Surrendering isn’t an easy thing to do. It’s like meditating or riding a bike — you can’t fake it. If you’ve been struggling to make progress in 2023 and every attempt has been leading to a dead end, then March is here to reward you for trusting the right time and surrendering to it.

Heads Up: Flexibility is Necessary this Month

As momentum picks up this month, it may be tempting to try to control the path forward, but continue to trust the timing and ask questions when necessary.

Mantra: Money Talks 


Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising (November 22 to December 23)

Card: The Emperor

Sagittarians are known as the archers of the zodiac, always going after their goals with confidence. Last year, despite your ambition, you may have felt like you were unable to find the right path. However, this month, the Emperor and the equinox will work together to help you find a sense of grounding and a place to call home.

Highlight: Grounding Into a New Level

For some, this month may bring a change in your home that will usher a sense of increased confidence in your work life. Other Sagittarians should expect client, collaborator, or company changes this month.

Heads Up: Filter Out Outside Noise

Big upgrades often come with lots of opinions. Filter out any outside noise that’s distracting. You have a solid connection to your inner guidance system leading you the right way — trust that above all else.

Mantra: Go Your Own Way

– Fleetwood Mac

Capricorn/Capricorn Rising (December 22 to January 19)

Card: Three of Pentacles

You’ve said you wanted to expand into a new area, Capricorn, and 2024 — specifically the spring into summer — is the time to do just that. Capricorns are strong leaders and delegators, so now is the time to align with the right teammates.

Highlight: Impactful New Additions to Your Team

The Pisces portion of March (before March 19) is a good time for hiring and bringing on collaborators. Pisces season’s intuitive nature helps you discern and decide. Similarly, the first half of the month is advantageous as it’s still free of Mercury’s retrograde shadow period until the end of March.

Heads Up: Past Lessons Present Themselves — Choose Differently This Time

As you make decisions regarding whom to work and align yourself with, a reminder of what didn’t work in the past may pop up. Pay attention to this and choose differently based on the lessons you learned last time.

Mantra: We Are the Champions


Aquarius/Aquarius Rising (January 20 to February 18)

Card: Page of Wands

According to the physics law of inertia, an object in motion stays in motion, just as an object at rest stays at rest. If you’ve been feeling stuck and restless, the inspired action you took at the beginning of 2024 has set you into motion in a powerful way for the remainder of the year. 

Highlight: Increased Inspiration and Flow

Page of Wands indicates additional sparks of inspiration as Venus enters Aquarius on March 7. Look out for exciting new projects and/or clients at this time.

Heads Up: Stay Present

The shift in energy from March 7 through the equinox can feel like a powerful jolt, but be careful not to overwhelm yourself with plans and projections. Presence is key to getting the most out of Pisces season.

Mantra: Just Like Fire


Pisces/Pisces Rising (February 19 to March 20)

Card: Two of Pentacles

Happy birthday, Pisces! It seems like you’ve been especially tough on yourself concerning work lately, but the change of season and your solar return are here to bring more sunshine and illuminate all you’ve accomplished. This will help you see what’s possible due to your recent progress.

Highlight: The Gift of Balance

With the equinox coming up at the end of the month, it’s a good time to focus on finding a better balance between your work and personal life. By recalibrating your priorities, you can improve the flow of your time and attention, just like the balance of light and dark during this time of year.

Heads Up: Focus is Key

Pisces go deep, which is both a blessing and a curse as it can lead to obsessing and procrastinating on the shadow side. What you focus on this month sets the tone for progress throughout the rest of the spring season. Set your sights accordingly.

Mantra: Get the Balance Right

Depeche Mode

Recenter Yourself with New Career Moves this Pisces Season

New career possibilities can unlock new self-discoveries. This Pisces season encourages us to lean into our most authentic selves by recentering our goals. Whether it’s a professional development boost, by taking a free class/online workshop to attract new opportunities, or embarking on a complete career 360 with a bootcamp course, the timing is in your favor.

Interested in General Assembly’s full-time bootcamp course? Reach out to the Admissions team for tailored advice. 


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