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Career Tarotscopes for July 2024

General Assembly
July 1, 2024
Career Tarotscopes

Rebecca Szymczak, aka Cardsy B, author of The Saturn Diaries and tarot reader to the stars, consulted her cards and has insight into the unexpected twists brought in by Cancer season and which signs should prepare for significant career breakthroughs. She also has some advice on working with this month’s power transits, especially the second full moon in Capricorn on July 21, and when to throw your energy and attention behind projects that will generate ample abundance by fall.

July begins with Venus trining Saturn on the second, asking us to look at what we’ve learned about what drives us from a passionate, heart-centered place and use that as our inspiration when making career decisions throughout July. The New Moon on July 5 is one of the best this year for setting intentions that will manifest an up-leveling in work — especially regarding culture, as Cancer rules the home and family, asking us what we want in our work environment and teams. Mercury enters its shadow period on July 16 before retrograding on August 4. We wrap up the month with the second “money moon” in Capricorn, which also occurs as Mars, the planet of action, trines Pluto, the planet of transformation. This opens the door for big changes and acceleration.

Prepare for a month of expansion and redirection, promising new horizons for all signs. As Leo season begins at the end of the month, it ushers in a wave of increased confidence and unexpected opportunities. Stay tuned to discover the unique insights the cards hold for your sign.

Sign: Aries/Aries Rising (March 21 to April 19)

Card: Queen of Wands

Whether you’re settling into a new job or moving forward with a big initiative, the Queen of Wands is here to remind you that you own the throne this July. 

Highlight: Once You Decide, It’s Yours 

Use the cosmic inertia of the new moon in Cancer on July 5 to clarify your roadmap for the month ahead. Even if you’re on vacay mode when this new moon hits, it’s an excellent time to sit with your intentions as Cancer season brings a lot of momentum to get approvals that may have been delayed until now.

Heads Up: Work Smarter vs. Harder

While inspiration may strike over the holiday weekend, record your thoughts or outlines and trust that your future self will take it from here. July is full of opportunities, but it’s all about working smarter, not harder, this month.

Mantra: Let My Inspiration Flow

The Grateful Dead

Taurus/Taurus Rising (April 20 to May 20)

Card: Seven of Cups

Just when everyone else seems to be in midsummer out-of-office mode, more and more is being piled on your plate. Though this may be challenging, it’s indicative of the recent successes and new levels you’ve achieved.

Highlight: Your Time to Get Ahead

The next few weeks leading to Mars trine Pluto on July 21 is your time to thrive. Yes, it may get lonely, as you may feel like you’re one of the only ones hustling at the height of summer, but the payoff that comes this fall is worth it.

Heads Up: Strategy is Everything

Seven of Cups is similar to the lesson in the question, “How do you eat a chocolate elephant? One step at a time.” Don’t let being overwhelmed cause you to freeze — keep choosing the next right step.

Mantra: One Step at a Time

Jordin Sparks

Gemini/Gemini Rising (May 21 to June 20)

Card: The Star

The Star reminds us that timing is everything. Key meetings or projects initiated during the first full moon in Capricorn this year (June 21) paved the way for rewards that will arrive shortly after the second full moon in Capricorn (July 21).

Highlight: Momentum from June Revisited 

While there may have been some delays from meetings or introductions at the end of June, the initial traction will be revisited by the end of July.

Heads Up: Patience is Key

It might feel tempting to release excitement around a potential client or deal closing you haven’t heard from over the past few weeks, but the full moon on July 21 brings in some big wins.

Mantra: Time is On My Side

The Rolling Stones

Cancer/Cancer Rising (June 21 to July 22)

Card: Two of Swords

A lot has been asked of you at work over the past two months, and you may be finding yourself at a crossroads. Two of Swords reminds you to initiate boundaries before resentment builds to the point of no return.

Highlight: Now is the Time to Use Your Voice

By the new moon in Cancer, at the beginning of the month (July 5), you find yourself in the driver’s seat. You’ll be rewarded for expressing your needs and professionally but firmly setting clear parameters.

Heads Up: Old Habits Die Hard

The demands of June may be weighing on you while you simultaneously worry about letting others down. Don’t let old people-pleasing habits take over. You’re safe to express yourself, and collaborative dynamics will improve due to embracing your voice this month.

Mantra: It’s a New Me

Elle Eyre

Leo/Leo Rising (July 23 to August 22)

Card: Seven of Swords

As Mercury enters its shadow period mid-month (July 16), you’ll likely realize it’s time to take certain matters into your own hands that were outsourced to others and may not be running so smoothly.

Highlight: Ahead of the Curve

Seven of Swords reminds you that you had your eyes on multiple angles for a reason. As a result, you spot the areas that need adjustments quickly.

Heads Up: Have a Plan B Ready To Go

The good news is that you can anticipate what many others couldn’t see this month. The downside — watching the “I told you so” play out may be frustrating. Have a Plan B ready to smoothly introduce when the time is right.

Mantra: Backup Plan

Maya Hawke

Virgo/Virgo Rising (August 23 to September 22)

Card: Eight of Pentacles

You most likely finished Q2 quite strong. Cancer season, starting with a powerful new moon (July 5), reminds you to stay in the flow and use the velocity that began last month to keep making significant progress even when others may seem checked out for the summer.

Highlight: In the Groove

Before Mercury’s shadow period, the first half of July is a sweet spot to make a lot of headway on new initiatives and fine-tune works in progress. Your future self will thank you for the effort you put in this Cancer season.

Heads Up: Use Your Time Wisely

Temptations and distractions will increase the closer we get to Leo season at the end of the month. Keep your eyes on the prize and stay focused.

Mantra: Flow With It

St. Paul & the Broken Bones

Libra/Libra Rising (September 23 to October 22)

Card: Justice

Libra rules the Justice card in the tarot, and like Libra, it represents the scales of balance and energetic harmony. July asks you to look at where some rebalancing may be needed regarding timing and priorities to set yourself up for the most success in the fall.

Highlight: There’s Value in the Downtime

The second full moon in Capricorn, falling on July 21, may leave you feeling slightly run down. It’s okay to take some downtime, maybe a PTO day or two, and utilize this time as a cue to build more balance — even if that means just taking an actual lunch break as part of your schedule.

Heads Up: Watch Your Self Talk

Watch where you may be unnecessarily hard on yourself regarding feeling the need to recharge. Remember, doing so now will bring big wins come Libra season in September.

Mantra: Time For Yourself


Scorpio/Scorpio Rising (October 23 to November 21)

Card: Four of Swords

Saturn’s retrograde at the end of June may have caused the voices of your past self and those around you to intensify. Four of Swords reminds you to filter out the outside noise and focus on the now so you don’t miss a significant opportunity arriving just after the beginning of Leo season (July 22).

Highlight: Unexpected Opportunities

Recent changes — whether in team members or clients — may have caused initial anxiety. However, by mid-month, it’s clear that these shifts are actually opening new doors that will bring increased abundance your way.

Heads Up: Intuition Over Outside Opinions

Fear and scarcity can be contagious. Don’t let others’ uncertainty sway what you’re feeling intuitively.

Mantra: Turn Off the Noise

Peter McPoland

Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising (November 22 to December 23)

Card: Three of Wands

Sagittarians love to travel, and whether this means an inspiring summer vacation or just spending time out of the day-to-day work routine, Three of Wands brings a fresh perspective that reignites inspiration and opens important doors by the end of the month.

Highlight: Supportive New Connections

Unexpected connections arrive seemingly effortlessly through travel or personal relationships this month. Don’t hesitate to follow up — they’re the real deal and can help facilitate meaningful introductions.

Heads Up: Don’t Overthink It

Though Sagittarians are known as the optimists of the zodiac, unexpected meetings that occur this month may feel too good to be true even for you. Don’t overthink it, and make sure to follow up. You deserve this.

Mantra: We’ll be Counting Stars


Capricorn/Capricorn Rising (December 22 to January 19) 

Card: The High Priestess

Capricorns are undeniably the most industrious and ambitious sign. Yet, sometimes, this can cause you to cast your intuition aside when you feel like what it’s telling you may hold you back from progressing in business.

Highlight: You’re Being Shown Everything You Need to Know

It’s more important than ever to listen to signs and feelings you’re getting, even if they go against your previous plans. Honoring where you’re being guided to pause or recalculate your plan on a project this month will serve you in the long run.

Heads Up: Repeat Lessons

Watch the urge to try to maniforce mid-month, especially on July 15 when Mars is conjunct Uranus, causing tempers to flare. This feels like a call back to a similar situation six months ago. Make sure to learn from the past and choose differently this time.

Mantra: Trust Your Gut

Sink The Ship

Aquarius/Aquarius Rising (January 20 to February 18)

Card: Queen of Swords

Big realizations continue to arrive since the solstice at the end of June. Queen of Swords indicates that you’re safe to clarify what you want and advocate for yourself more clearly and efficiently this month.

Highlight: Your Word is Your Wand

From the new moon in Cancer on July 5 through July 16, you’ll have a sweet spot to express and receive with ease. You’ll likely catch your boss or client in a great post-long weekend mood and have requests granted quickly in the first half of the month.

Heads Up: Action is Required

It may feel intimidating, but action is required to get what you seek this month. That could be a quick email request or a more challenging conversation with a boss or collaborator. Either way, the effort will quickly materialize into desired rewards.

Mantra: I Get What I Want

Sophie Holohan

Pisces/Pisces Rising (February 19 to March 20)

Card: Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel of Fortune brings ample opportunities this month. Utilize the first three weeks of the month to follow up on loose ends and half-open doors, as the next three months are a significant runway for your career.

Highlight: Expansive Change is Coming

Meetings occurring before July 21 will bring fast results but require additional patience and follow-up through August. It’s best to get the ball rolling and solidify the foundation of these projects and deals as much as possible this month.

Heads Up: Surrender is Necessary

Because of Mercury’s retrograde (shadow period beginning July 16 with retrograde occurring August 4–27), a degree of surrender and trust will be needed regarding timing. Set up the logistics this month and trust the universe will deliver the next steps at the right time.

Mantra: I Feel It Coming

The Weeknd

Prepare for Significant Career Breakthroughs

Summer may be in full swing, but July is the perfect time to expand on or redirect your career. And we’re here to help make it real. Take a free tech skill class, explore your options by signing up for a free info session, attend a free career development event,  or register for a hands-on workshop — or begin a fresh career path with one of our full-time or part-time bootcamps or short courses.

Want to learn more about General Assembly’s tech training options? Get in touch with our Admissions team.


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