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    Blog Career Tarotscopes for April 2024

    Career Tarotscopes for April 2024

    General Assembly
    April 1, 2024
    Career Tarotscopes

    Rebecca Szymczak, aka Cardsy B, author of The Saturn Diaries and tarot reader to the stars, consulted her cards and has guidance for which signs should embrace April’s fiery Aries vibes to launch new initiatives and which signs should wait until after the solar eclipse on April 8 to make any big decisions. She also has some insight into interesting team dynamics following the full moon in Scorpio at the end of the month.

    April comes in hotter than ever this year. As always, the month launches with Aries season — aka the energetic initiator of the zodiac — but April 2024 also brings a powerful solar eclipse on Friday the 8th, when the sun, north node, Chiron, and the moon are all in Aries, igniting a powerful reset. This eclipse will particularly affect matters involving leadership, courage, and individuality. The week following the eclipse provides a powerful window of opportunity to shine and receive recognition for last quarter’s efforts and progress. Be mindful when setting up meetings, as Mercury officially went into retrograde on the first of the month, reminding us to double and even triple-check meeting makers and emails for clarity. Mercury moves direct on April 25, but we still have a brief shadow period to be mindful of. April 30 is a powerful day to go full steam ahead on new projects as Mars enters its ruler of Aries and provides some extra confidence and momentum to passion projects.

    All signs will receive supercharged activations this month. Aries is equal parts power and impatience — it’s just a matter of paying attention to the environment and choosing your moments wisely. Read on to see what the cards have in store for your sign. 

    Aries/Aries Rising (March 21 to April 19)

    Card: Knight of Wands 

    Happy Birthday, Aries! The Knight of Wands brings a sparkler of a b-day candle to increase your drive and confidence with the solar eclipse and new moon in Aries on April 8.

    Highlight: Increased Ammunition

    If good news arrived last month but progress was slow to roll out afterward, prepare to celebrate as additional tools and resources are coming regarding information, opportunities, and collaborators this month.

    Heads Up: Give Yourself Breaks As Needed

    When Aries are lit up, they move at the speed of light. Don’t forget to pause and recalibrate as needed. You’re already winning — don’t burn yourself out running victory laps.

    Mantra:  I’m read’ to go, you know, you know


    Taurus/Taurus Rising (April 20 to May 20)

    Card: 3 of Pentacles

    Tauruses don’t always love change, but this evolution brings more support and some of the necessary puzzle pieces you’ve longed for since late last year.

    Highlight: Beneficial Restructuring

    You may feel waves of unrest and intensity after the solar eclipse on the 8th, but by the full moon on the 23rd, you’ll see why these shifts needed to happen and how they benefit your workflow.

    Heads Up: Beware of Getting Stuck in Devil’s Advocate Mode

    Intuitively, you’ll feel instant relief from this month’s changes at work, but there may be a part of you that’s digging for red flags to prepare for a potential worst-case scenario. Give the Devil’s advocate some PTO — this is an upleveling, even if it’s an unexpected one.

    Mantra:  Stronger

    Kelly Clarkson

    Gemini/Gemini Rising (May 21 to June 20)

    Card: Ace of Swords

    Some powerful information regarding work arrived last month. Still, sometimes the right and left side of the brain, like the Gemini twins, both need to get the message, leading to additional revelations in April.

    Highlight: Big News and Aha Moments

    If you weren’t yet ready to take action on what was revealed last month, now is the time to do so, whether applying for that big opportunity or scheduling a meeting with your boss. If possible, the end of the month (closer to when Mars enters Aries on the 30th) is a good window for this.

    Heads Up: Discipline is Your Friend 

    Procrastination can be tempting, especially during a Mercury retrograde, but committing to action this month will set you up for even bigger wins throughout the spring and summer.

    Mantra: No More Excuses

    Kyle Richh

    Cancer/Cancer Rising (June 21 to July 22)

    Card: 4 of Swords

    While those around you may be in chaos this month, there’s a calm in your immediate team amidst the Aries and Mercury retrograde storm that allows for some powerful reflection to plan impactful next moves.

    Highlight: 20/20 Vision

    Your intuition shows you important clues this month, whether regarding a crucial player leaving or knowledge that may allow you to escape the line of fire. Utilize the calm guidance of your card, especially the first half of the month, to gather the information that will serve you over the next quarter.

    Heads Up: Step Back and Observe

    Though many things may be revealed in April, the first few weeks are a powerful time to take note — but not necessarily to take action.

    Mantra: Clarity

    John Mayer

    Leo/Leo Rising (July 23 to August 22)

    Card: Ace of Pentacles

    2024 is a year of abundance for you, Leo, even if the first few months were slower than you’d hoped. Decisions and conversations that occurred last month have set you up for big payouts in April.

    Highlight: Big Money Moves

    Fire signs, especially Leos, aren’t known for their patience, and the solar eclipse on the 8th may exasperate this. Hold strong as impressive financial news arrives just on the other side of the eclipse.

    Heads Up: Boundary Where Necessary

    Once your decision is made, it’s important to stand strong. This may mean sticking to your end date if resigning or holding firm on terms you already stated in earlier stages of negotiation.

    Mantra: I’m On A New Level

    A$AP Ferg

    Virgo/Virgo Rising (August 23 to September 22)

    Card: 9 of Cups

    Last month threw you some unexpected curve balls. Yet you kept your cool (at least on the surface) while recalculating a surprising but solutions-oriented route. These decisions result in some big rewards this month.

    Highlight: Entering a New Stratosphere

    The unexpected changes over the past few weeks brought more interest to your project and team, bringing you to a new level of the game and gaining the respect of some high-level players.

    Heads Up: Don’t Take Feedback Too Personally

    Virgos are incredibly hard workers and tend to be even harder on themselves. New eyes on you and your project also means more feedback — don’t take questions or critiques too personally, especially during a Mercury retrograde period. When in doubt, ask for more clarification.

    Mantra: Paths of Victory

    Bob Dylan 

    Libra/Libra Rising (September 23 to October 22)

    Card: 6 of Pentacles

    At the beginning of the month, the new moon and lunar eclipse in Aries remove any obstacles that may have surfaced over the past few weeks, bringing a greater sense of harmony and flow — especially regarding scheduling and communication.

    Highlight: Trust the Flow

    It may be tempting to feel uneasy as things begin to level out mid-month, because even though this is good news, it’s a big change from the turbulence of the past few weeks. Resist the urge to look for nonexistent red flags, as the second half of April offers much smoother terrain.

    Heads Up: Timing is Everything

    The closer to the end of the month, the better meetings and presentations will go after Mercury moves direct on April 23 and near Mars transit into Aries on the 30th. Schedule accordingly where you can.

    Mantra: Trust Your Timing

    Fearless Soul

    Scorpio/Scorpio Rising (October 23 to November 21)

    Card: Judgment

    Scorpios are influential leaders, and this month allows you to step into a more significant role based on decisions in which you have a prominent voice.

    Highlight: Big Decisions Mean Big Level-Ups

    The week of the full moon (April 23) allows you to make a significant decision that increases your visibility. Speak up confidently — you can make a meaningful impact.

    Heads Up: Watch Out for Hypervigilance

    The shadow side of Scorpio leaders can be control-freak tendencies. Watch knee-jerk reactions that could be perceived as micromanaging this month. After you share your recommendations based on your insight, trust the process without too much strongarming afterward.

    Mantra: Big League

    Tom Cochrane 

    Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising (November 22 to December 23)

    Card: 10 of Pentacles

    Aries season feels like home to Sagittarians as a fellow ambitious fire sign. Increased energy levels and inspiration lead to abundant rewards throughout April. Many of these wins come in via connections formed at the beginning of 2024.

    Highlight: Treat Yourself

    10 of Pentacles is a reminder to pause and enjoy the success you’ve built. The electric energy of Aries may push you to be in creation mode 24/7, but it’s essential to enjoy the journey and reward yourself along the way.

    Heads Up: Keep an Eye on the Moving Pieces

    April is fast-paced due to an eclipse and multiple planets in Aries. Messaging may shift quickly with Mercury’s retrograde period, so keep a watchful eye on emails and contracts in motion.

    Mantra: Veni Vidi Vici

    – Madonna

    Capricorn/Capricorn Rising (December 22 to January 19) 

    Card: The Tower

    The Tower isn’t always an easy energy as it comes in to remove what isn’t serving us. This feels like a much-needed reset this month, setting you up for a more efficient path moving forward.

    Highlight: Transformation Time

    If a specific individual or outdated system has been a thorn in your side, it’ll likely exit after the 8th with the solar eclipse. Though sudden and even jarring, this offers the clean slate you’ve been craving to put some effective new plans into play.

    Heads Up: Don’t Look Backward

    It may be tempting to look backward and wish you’d had some warning to better prepare for this change, but the best path, especially in Aries season, is to move confidently toward the future.

    Mantra: You’re Never Gonna Keep Me Down


    Aquarius/Aquarius Rising (January 20 to February 18)

    Card: 9 of Wands

    Aquarians are the innovators and the rebels of the zodiac and may have felt underappreciated in the first months of 2024. 9 of Wands reminds you that your actions and dedication to progress are about to pay off.

    Highlight: Perseverance Pays Off

    Continue to hold firm in what matters most this month. This could be regarding work/life balance and key workplace culture issues. Your strength hasn’t gone unnoticed and is an inspiration to many others.

    Heads Up: You’re Stronger Than You Think

    The pieces are all finally coming together, and as we move from Aries to Taurus season at the end of the month, you’ll be able to ground into a greater feeling of consistency and security that may even result from a raise and/or new title.

    Mantra: Going the Distance


    Pisces/Pisces Rising (February 19 to March 20)

    Card: The High Priestess

    Pisces are known for their impressive intuition, which has undoubtedly served you throughout your career. The High Priestess shows up this month to remind you of this gift and that when you trust it, rewards inevitably follow.

    Highlight: Your Intuition Was On Point

    Though you may feel a little battle-scarred from navigating a challenging environment in your company or industry, your intuition and ability to spot what others can’t see as quickly is paying off big time this month.

    Heads Up: Repetition May Be Required

    A green light will likely appear early in the month. However, due to Mercury’s retrograde, repetition and follow-up may be needed. Timing is critical, so find the sweet spot between too much lag time and harassing.

    Mantra: Don’t Believe Me Just Watch

    Mark Ronson


    The time is now to harness the energetic initiator of the zodiac and initiate positive change in your career. Whether that means taking a free tech skill class, signing up for an info session, attending a career development event, or registering for a one-day workshop — or going all-in on a complete career reinvention with one of our bootcamps or short courses, April marks a pivotal moment to make it happen.

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