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Career Tarotscopes for 2024

General Assembly
January 1, 2024
Career Tarotscopes

Rebecca Szymczak, aka Cardsy B, author of The Saturn Diaries and tarot reader to the stars, consulted her tarot deck and has tips for which signs should leverage January’s new year momentum to go all-in on exciting new projects and which signs should pause and review the 2023’s lessons to find clarity before taking big risks. She also has some insight into prosperity — both current roles and new ventures — coming in where you may least expect it. 

Looking back at this past year, we moved through a numerological seven-year (2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 7). Sevens indicate a time of pause, planning, and recalibration. (You can also find your individual numerology for the year by adding the single digits of your birth day and month to 2024.) As a collective, we’re now moving into an eight year, and the seeds we sowed throughout this past year are now beginning to bloom, bringing feelings of both excitement and responsibility. Because manifestation happens more efficiently in an eight year, intention-setting and priorities are key. 

Setting Goals for 2024

If you need more clarity on exactly what your focus is by New Year’s, the second week of January is an additional powerful portal for setting goals for 2024. The first new moon of the year arrives in Capricorn on January 11. This new moon shines light on the inspired action needed to seize opportunities now within reach. Years that add up to eight carry the energetic signature of creation and achievement, which require commitment and endurance. Starting this January, it’ll be progressively more important to hone in on how we recalibrate and nurture ourselves. Think of the start of the year as preparing for the marathon of 2024. It’s important to strategize early on to utilize our energy and resources for the long game.

On the bright side, all the tools needed have already been provided, as the lessons and trials of the past three years set us up with everything necessary to succeed in 2024. The challenging news is that we alone are the only ones responsible for the results. Utilize the year’s first weeks to specify your intentions for 2024, and then take the actions required to obtain what you’re calling in. 

Significant milestones and evolution are in store for all signs this year. Remember, in an eight year, anything is possible. So read on to see what the cards have in store.

Aries/Aries Rising (March 21 to April 19)

Card: Knight of Cups

Aries, the strong-willed initiator of the zodiac, has been in all-work-no-play mode as 2023 came to a close. The Knight of Cups reminds you to take a deep breath and pause because 2024 will teach you the rewards of receiving.

Highlight: Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

Genuine support is coming this year, whether this is a new and more empathetic boss, efficient colleagues, rockstar clients, or all of the above.

Heads Up: Resist the Urge to Default to Solo Mode

Your auto-pilot setting may drive you to want to take on all things yourself, but open up to the new support around and start the year with receptivity that’ll manifest more support — and more abundance.

Mantra:  I’m Worth It

Fifth Harmony

Taurus/Taurus Rising (April 20 to May 20)

Card: Two of Wands

Tauruses are methodical in their approach, but this can lead to indecision. You enter the year at a crossroads, wondering which path is better for your career. 

Highlight: Bet On Yourself

The risk is worth it. You’ll see rewards within the first quarter if you take it.

Heads Up: Prioritize Intuition Over Logic

These two career options have equal pros and cons — you can argue this for or against indefinitely — the answer is how do you feel when you picture yourself in each scenario?

Mantra:  Gut Feeling

Ella Mai ft H.E.R.

Gemini/Gemini Rising (May 21 to June 20)

Card: The Chariot

Even if 2023 wasn’t your favorite year, you faced some significant challenges head-on, and 2024 is here to reward you. 

Highlight: Eye on the Prize

If you set your career intentions for the year, ideally by the new moon in Capricorn on January 11, an opportunity comes in like a Chariot shortly after that.

Heads Up: Don’t Overthink

This opportunity will likely be time-sensitive — don’t overthink it or seek too many outside opinions — stand in your worth and say thank you.

Mantra:  Came In Like a Wrecking Ball

Miley Cyrus

Cancer/Cancer Rising (June 21 to July 22)

Card: Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel of Fortune is the perfect 2024 card for Cancers, as you have Jupiter in the eleventh house this year, indicating a massive growth spurt regarding work and prosperity.

Highlight: The Wheel is in Motion

Elements of your work life that may have felt indefinitely stalled will move quickly in the winter through early spring of 2024.

Heads Up: Don’t Play It Safe

Cancers are known for their affinity for nesting, making them nurturing leaders, but this can also lead to prioritizing others versus taking career risks that can benefit themselves. Say yes to walking through the opening doors, even if they’re attached to a brand new venture.

Mantra:  Get Ready to Jump


Leo/Leo Rising (July 23 to August 22)

Card: Strength 

The Strength card indicates that you’re stepping into a bigger leadership era this year and unleashing your signature Lion energy to lead confidently and gracefully.

Highlight: You Were Born For This

Get ready to take on a more significant role where you can utilize your voice in essential and powerful ways this year. Big moves are happening between now and your birthday.

Heads Up: Don’t Look Down

Keep your head up and eyes on the prize — if imposter syndrome tugs on your confidence, look to your inner Lion to lead the way. Utilize the full moon in Leo on Jan 25 to double-down on your 2024 goals.

Mantra:  Hear Me Roar

Katy Perry

Virgo/Virgo Rising (August 23 to September 22)

Card: Ace of Pentacles

Ace of Pentacles brings a new source of abundance, showing that Virgos’ perfectionism and hard work in 2023 are paying off. 

Highlight: Look Back to the Seeds You Already Planted

Whether this is a passion project ready to be launched this year or a connection that turns into a new employer or significant client, you’ve planted the seeds at the tail end of 2023 for this opportunity to blossom.

Heads Up: Don’t Waste Time Over-Preparing

You already have everything you need — it’s just a matter of committing to the path forward. Use the second half of January to revisit and reconnect with critical contacts.

Mantra:  Ain’t No Stoppin’ Us Now

McFadden & Whitehead

Libra/Libra Rising (September 23 to October 22)

Card: 8 of Cups

Libras, you did an impeccable job of wearing many hats and holding things together for your business and/or your team this past year. 2024 brings significant growth.

Highlight: Big Level Up

The year begins with an opportunity hidden in a challenge. This may be a conversation regarding changes that need to occur with your boss or client, or even leaving a current role for a bigger opportunity.

Heads Up: It’s Time to Prioritize Yourself

The early part of the year may bring a difficult choice of leaving behind what’s been known and comfortable and perhaps individuals you’ve grown close to. The rewards for choosing yourself come in the form of increased abundance and renewed inspiration.

Mantra:  It’s Time

Imagine Dragons

Scorpio/Scorpio Rising (October 23 to November 21)

Card: 4 of Cups

2023 taught you a lot about how you thrive and what does and doesn’t work career-wise. As a result, you enter 2024 with the gift of discernment.

Highlight: Many Options on the Table

4 of Cups reminds you to choose wisely based on what you learned throughout last year. There are options for financial growth within and outside your current work, and selecting the right path for long-term growth is a critical focus between the new year and spring equinox in March.

Heads Up: Be Open to Change 

Though Scorpios are known for their rebirth abilities, sometimes significant change can be scary. The newer, less traveled road is likely to provide the most rewards this spring.

Mantra:  You’ve Got to Stand for Something 

Aaron Tippin

Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising (November 22 to December 23)

Card: 10 of Pentacles

If you couldn’t move at your average fast pace in 2023, rest assured that new connections and support from existing team members move projects you initiated in 2023 ahead in impressive ways.

Highlight: The Dream Team is Here 

Increased support arrives that not only brings in abundance but also ensures that you’re set up for sustainable success and growth.

Heads Up: It’s Okay to Open to Collaboration

Fast-moving Sagittarians can thrive flying solo, but the scale of new projects, clients, and opportunities requires you to trust and receive support.

Mantra:  Dreams Do Come True

Dolly Parton

Capricorn/Capricorn Rising (December 22 to January 19)

Card: The Hierophant

A major opportunity for change is coming just after your b-day, which will cause you to ask yourself, how do I want to spend my time and energy in my career in 2024?

Highlight: The Ball is in Your Court

Whether or not you make a choice that’ll recalibrate your work-life balance moving into the new year is in your hands. Look at January 11 to January 25 for signs in key meetings and client calls.

Heads Up: Don’t Procrastinate

Though Capricorns aren’t known for procrastination, the Hierophant may bring a big decision that you don’t want to make in haste. It’s okay to think this through, but be mindful of hitting the snooze button on what you can change for the better in your work life.

Mantra:  The Time is Now


Aquarius/Aquarius Rising (January 20 to February 18)

Card: Death/Rebirth

If you found yourself in self-preservation mode at the end of last year, Death/Rebirth brings the opportunity for you to emerge and really spread your wings into areas you’re passionate about in 2024.

Highlight: Coming Out of the Cocoon 

Do you want to move to a new department or a different industry? The end of January to early February offers the chance to move into areas you may have been previously intimidated by.  

Heads Up: Don’t Read Too Much Into Delays

Due to the end of the Mercury Retrograde shadow period, communication may be delayed through the end of January, so don’t sweat it if you don’t hear back immediately. Give it until early February and follow up if need be.

Mantra:  Coming Out of the Dark

Gloria Estefan

Pisces/Pisces Rising (February 19 to March 20)

Card: 6 of Wands

Looks like you’re kicking off the year with a new level of respect and recognition. You may have just received a promotion with year-end reviews or landed a new client. If you haven’t yet, it appears you will shortly. 

Highlight: Use the Spotlight

Take advantage of the positive attention focused on you now to initiate some of the ideas you were formulating behind the scenes in 2023.

Heads Up: Performance Anxiety

Remember you earned this new career win — don’t overthink the attention and air time you’re given in meetings and with higher-ups — use it to your advantage.

Mantra:  All Eyes on Me

Britney Spears

Power On the New & Improved You

Based on your 2024 career outlook, now is the best time to start sowing the seeds for the fruits you plan to pick this year. General Assembly can support your 2024 career goals and bring rewarding possibilities to life.

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