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Business Leader Tarotscopes – Insights for Your Quarter Ahead

General Assembly
September 27, 2024

Rebecca Szymczak, aka Cardsy B, author of The Saturn Diaries, tarot reader to the stars, and guest blogger for our popular Career Tarotscopes series, is back with another installment of tarotscopes tailored for business leaders. She consulted her cards to provide an in-depth analysis of the upcoming quarter for tech and other leaders alike—focusing on management, leadership, and all things personal development. So what’s in store for the final quarter of 2024?

Q4 is taking us through to the end of the year with the momentum we’ve been craving. October begins with a solar eclipse in Libra on October 2, our last eclipse of the year, asking us to clarify what we need to succeed while still making space for others’ desires. The first days of October are optimal for negotiations and finalizing deals. After Pluto ends its retrograde on October 11, the second half of the month is a powerful time for bringing long-term initiatives out to the world, as there’ll be less confusion and blocks than we’ve experienced since May. The full moon on October 17 will likely bring new beginnings, including significant collaborations and new clients.

As Pluto continues to move directly, Scorpio season and the month of November are game changers for needed progress that may have felt impossible to implement until this point. The new moon in Scorpio on November 1 is a crucial date for taking big risks. Follow-up may be needed on November 3 as Mars in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn, asking for more clearly explained details, so double-check your work and have all your receipts ready. Mid-month brings a full moon in Taurus on November 15 that invokes a feeling of luxury and security—this may come in the way of year-end bonuses or wins from Q3 paying out.

We end the fourth quarter with Mercury beginning its pesky retrograde on November 25 through December 15. Though this may feel less than ideal timing amid the holidays, it gives an extra push to get any contracts and deals finalized beforehand, so vacation time this year feels extra peaceful and deserved. The New Moon in Sagittarius on December 1 brings a fiery energy to get through any setbacks that need to be hammered out. And the full moon in Gemini on December 15 gives the push necessary to ask any additional questions and follow-up that may be required, especially regarding team dynamics. 

We end the fourth quarter with a rare black moon—aka a second new moon in the same month—on December 30 in Capricorn, the hardest working sign in the zodiac, setting us up for success in the new year. Read on to see what the cards have in store for your sign for Q4. 

Aries/Aries Rising (March 21 to April 19)

Lean In: Ace Of Wands: Reigniting the Flame

If you’ve been in a bit of a summer-into-early-fall slump, the Ace of Wands comes in this October to remind you of your ability to lead and inspire. After the solar eclipse in October, you’ll have several opportunities to use your voice in exciting and new ways.

Watch Out: Ten of Swords: Release it and Move it On

Come November, with all of the Plutonian energy hitting in the early part of the month, you may be required to let go of some prior plans or projects that aren’t moving forward the way you wanted them to. Trust what needs to be released. The sooner you do, the more new opportunities flow in.

Remember: Two of Pentacles: Take Breaks As Needed

There is a lot of success to be had this quarter, but as you lead the way for your team, overexertion can take a toll, especially as more is added to your plate between October and mid-November. Take breaks as needed to reset and recalibrate.

Taurus/Taurus Rising (April 20 to May 20)

Lean In: Temperance: Utilize All Your Assets 

You have some big wins headed your way before the end of the year, so it may feel like pressure is mounting. Remember you have all the tools you need, including powerful collaborators that you can lean on—make sure to utilize them.

Watch Out: 5 of Cups: Don’t Overthink or Overpersonalize 

Especially in November, as we near Mercury’s retrograde (hitting November 25 but with a shadow period that will be felt mid-month), it’s important not to overthink or misconstrue feedback. Take what resonates and leave the rest.

Remember: 2 of Cups: Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

Collaboration becomes more beneficial than ever after the eclipse on October 2. This may include outside partners or cross-departmental synergy.

Gemini/Gemini Rising (May 21 to June 20)

Lean In: The Magician: Map Out Your Vision

You may have several irons in the fire right now, Gemini, but going into Q4 is all about getting clear on your roadmap between now and the new year. Geminis are great visionaries but also know to change course frequently. October is the time to commit to a path and proceed in order to reap big rewards in November through December.

Watch Out: 7 of Swords: Beware of Distractions 

You’ll likely develop a well-designed strategy by the time Pluto goes direct on October 11. Be mindful of distractions and diversions that clients and teammates may bring in November, as consistency and persistence are paramount.

Remember: The Hermit: Focus is Key

Curveballs may be thrown at you—especially as Mercury retrogrades November 25 through December 15—just as you feel in an invincible stride. Look at these as small tests from the universe and keep your eyes on your original plan.

Cancer/Cancer Rising (June 21 to July 22)

Lean In: King of Wands: Innovation and Creation Time

Your team is looking to you to lead them out of a recent slump. Even if things have been going well, energy may feel a bit low, and you’re the one to get this party back on track. Scorpio season (October 23 through November 21) has a lot of wins in store for you if you work with it.

Watch Out: 4 of Swords: Filter Out Outside Noise 

New initiatives are needed, and eyes are on you for innovative solutions. Don’t allow the naysayers who inject variations, “We already tried a version of that five years ago,” to stop your creative flow.

Remember: The Star: Timing is Everything

Trust the process this quarter as we move through some challenging transitions in November and December. If you find yourself wrapping up big projects early, waiting for the right time to share when your audience is most receptive may still be better.

Leo/Leo Rising (July 23 to August 22)

Lean In: Strength: Confidence Inspires Confidence 

You may feel a little battle-scarred from the overwhelm of the last few months. Still, you’re in the spotlight for a reason now. Remember, confidence is contagious (in a good way), so let that Leo energy shine when presenting and pitching—especially in October through mid-November.

Watch Out: Five of Swords: Don’t Let Impatience Hinder You

Once you’re in an inspired flow and hitting several green lights with higher-ups and clients, some stalls are lightly to come as Mercury retrogrades in late November. Trust the process as the year wraps abundantly for you and your team.

Remember: 3 of Wands: It’s Ok to Change Course

Fire signs and Leos, in particular, are known for their let’s freakin’ go attitude. During the slower progress in late November, it’s okay to pivot and change course if needed—just be mindful of overanalyzing and over-tweaking.

Virgo/Virgo Rising (August 23 to September 22)

Lean In: 8 of Pentacles: Focus on One Step at a Time

The eclipse on September 17 was a powerful reset that likely sparked a sense of urgency. The solar eclipse in Libra on October 2 reminds you to focus on the next right step regarding a long-term initiative. This approach will pay off handsomely by year’s end.

Watch Out: 2 of Swords: Mindful of Taking on Other People’s Overwhelm

Virgos are known for their hard-working nature, and it may be tempting to take on the energetic overwhelm of collaborators or team members- or even take on their work for them. Do your best to stay in your lane this quarter.

Remember: The World: You See the Bigger Picture

Even if mid-Q4 feels overwhelming, hold the vision of the rewards headed your way. Due to your wins over the past six months, substantial abundance is coming to you before the year’s end.

Libra/Libra Rising (September 23 to October 22)

Lean In: King of Cups: Ready to Lead

We’re starting Q4 at the height of the Libra season. The solar eclipse and the new moon in Libra are significant activators that will help you step into higher roles or levels. Contracts or deals that may be stalled will likely move forward in the Libra part of October (October 1–22).

Watch Out: 8 of Swords: Be Mindful with Your Words

A few twists and turns throughout November and December may cause you to change direction. Make sure you’re transparent with clients and colleagues and are willing to reiterate key points as necessary.

Remember: 4 of Wands: You’re Building A New Foundation

It’s important not to rush or get off-track by minor misunderstandings in Mercury’s retrograde period (November 25 through December 15) because the level you’re stepping into now will allow you to build a whole new foundation for the business.

Scorpio/Scorpio Rising (October 23 to November 21)

Lean In: King of Swords: Speak Your Truth

You were wise to observe the changes and environment around you for the past few months before making any drastic decisions. Now that things are solidifying in Q4, it’s time to speak up and share your insight, as it’ll be received and valued more than ever.

Watch Out: Judgment: Analysis Paralysis 

The good news is that multiple doors are opening right now. The challenge is that decisions will need to be made quickly on your end. Don’t overthink too much. You know the right path to take.

Remember: Ten of Cups: Come Back to the Long-Term Vision

Speaking up for you and your team/collaborators will elevate all of you this quarter. Remain consistent, as your words and decisions will impact many others, especially during the Sagittarius season (November 22 through December 21).

Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising (November 22 to December 23)

Lean In: King of Pentacles: Celebrate the End-of-Year Wins

Major reasons to celebrate are rolling in just in time for your birthday, Sagittarius. The patience required on a project that seemed like it may never come to fruition is finally getting signed. Other shorter-term deals and contracts are also coming in after the solar eclipse on October 2.

Watch Out: 9 of Wands: Perseverance is Still Needed

One of the strengths of Sagittarians is their ability to give 110% to a goal. The downside, however, is the need for immediate rest after overexertion. Make sure to continue to keep your eye on the prize as additional loose ends may need attention before certain deals or contracts can be finalized in November after the full moon on November 15.

Remember: The Empress: Creation Requires Patience + Strength

Abundant news is coming in by the end of the year, but try not to go on “vacay mode” as soon as contracts are signed. More information will be needed from you in the birthing process. Find the balance between celebrating the wins and staying on top of incoming communication.

Capricorn/Capricorn Rising (December 22 to January 19)

Lean In: Death/Rebirth: New Beginnings

The year’s final quarter offers a memorable rebirth for Capricorns due to what you were willing to change this year. 2024 has been challenging, but as long as you’re open to releasing any remaining debris, you’ll be rewarded come the end of December, just in time for Capricorn season.

Watch Out: 8 of Cups: Let It Go

The solar eclipse in Libra on October 2 will reveal any relationships that need to be recalibrated or any old ties you need to cut in order to receive what’s coming for you in Capricorn season.

Remember: The Fool: Clearing Space Brings Abundance

Mercury’s retrograde in mid-November may make it challenging to let go of ways of doing business from the past, but we’ll also see why they’re no longer sustainable. Releasing old patterns, systems, and even certain relationships will open doorways for big up-levels in December through 2025.

Aquarius/Aquarius Rising (January 20 to February 18)

Lean In: Page of Wands: Inspiring New Perspectives

Aquarians are the powerful rebels of the zodiac, and as a result, you may have felt like 2024 was an uphill battle through most of the year. Q4 brings inspiration with changes regarding new collaborators, environments, and opportunities entering the scene.

Watch Out: Two Of Wands: Don’t Play It Too Safe

If you’ve been holding down the fort, protecting existing initiatives and your team, then taking significant risks in the year’s final quarter may feel uncomfortable, but doing so is precisely what you need to close out the year on a high note.

Remember: The Star: The Time is Here—Take the Leap

Taking the new or less traveled path will be rewarded. Pay attention to when these opportunities present themselves—just in time to ensure ongoing success for 2025.

Pisces/Pisces Rising (February 19 to March 20)

Lean In: The Wheel of Fortune: Significant Advancement Available 

Q3 seems to have brought some much-desired momentum after a slow first half of the year. The Wheel of Fortune, ruled by Jupiter, the planet of expansion, shows that Q4 brings the finalization of several opportunities and deals you’ve had in the works for the past couple of months.

Watch Out: Six of Swords: Release What Isn’t Working

Come November, it’s time to remove and release anything stagnant regarding projects and misaligned collaborations. Use the Plutonian energy of Scorpio season in November to clear out and create space for big launches beginning in December through the new year.

Remember: Ace of Swords: Your Word is Your Wand

Clarity is critical, especially during the tricky Mercury retrograde portion of late November through mid-December. Aim high with negotiations and terms, as you have an increased ability to create success with your words this quarter.

Set Yourself and Your Teams Up for Success with Help from General Assembly

Q4 is setting the stage to finish the year with the momentum you’ve been after—and the progress you’ve been craving. When it comes to finding a fresh pipeline of skilled tech talent—or upskilling and reskilling the talent you have—we’re here to partner with you to find the right tech talent and training solutions you need to succeed. 

Ensure you have the right tech talent for every role. Make it real with General Assembly.


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