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Rebecca Szymczak, aka Cardsy B, author of The Saturn Diaries and tarot reader to the stars, consulted her cards. She has insight into the drama and expansion coming in this Leo season and which signs should prepare for significant changes this month. She also advises on when it may be best to pause before overreacting—like when Mars squares Saturn on August 15—and when to seize opportunities with the passion and confidence of Leo. 

August begins with a bang as we have a new moon in Leo, asking what truly lights us up regarding our work. If you’ve been uninspired or lacking passion, this Leo season will show us what needs to be released and redirected. The Lion’s Gate 8.8 Portal is a cosmic sweet spot for manifestation, but it’s important to focus on what feels aligned for us versus what is expected of us from others or past versions of ourselves. Be careful not to make hasty decisions this month, as Mercury is officially retrograde from August 5–28. This can lead to tech mishaps, miscommunications, and unnecessary misunderstandings. If big decisions must be made this month, it’s best to hold off until or after the full moon in Aquarius on August 19, as more perspectives and pieces of the puzzle will be revealed at that time.

Prepare for a month of drama, but like any good TV series or movie, not all drama is bad and often brings big rewards. Once Virgo season enters at the end of the month, we’re able to see things in a new light and have an increased sense of calm and groundedness. Stay tuned to discover what the cards have in store for your sign.

Aries/Aries Rising (March 21 to April 19)

Card: Four of Swords

Though you often thrive in fellow fire sign Leo’s season, It feels like you’re being pulled in multiple directions this month. Four of Swords offers the ability to pause and reflect before making reckless moves.

Highlight: A Much Needed Reset 

Maybe your past self planned an August vacation that you need now more than ever, or perhaps a challenging boss or client is out of the office, giving you the downtime you need to focus on what you want to balance and complete to move into the fall recharged.

Heads Up: Resist the Urge to People Please

With Leo season heating up in early August, many colleagues and collaborators may be vying for your time. It’s okay to pause before responding, especially mid-month when Mars is conjunct Jupiter on August 14, making small issues appear much bigger than they are.

Mantra: We Need a Holiday—One Day to Come Together to Release the Pressure


Taurus/Taurus Rising (April 20 to May 20)

Card: Four of Pentacles

Tauruses are the ultimate nurturers, and, as a result, can find themselves holding down the fort for others more often than not. Though your strength is admirable, Four of Pentacles asks you to examine what’s worth holding onto and what may serve you more to release.

Highlight: Freedom Awaits

You’re rewarded with additional time and freedom when you surrender control of what you may have felt the need to grip onto more tightly than usual these past few months.

Heads Up: You’ve Already Proven Yourself

If fears of “what if I don’t do every aspect of this project” pop up, allow yourself to sit with these trust issues. You’ve already proven that, yes, you can wear every hat. But is it serving you to continue doing so?

Mantra: The Art of Letting Go

Mariah Carey

Gemini/Gemini Rising (May 21 to June 20)

Card: Six of Wands

The chaos of Leo season and all its retrogrades this year don’t seem to rattle you, Gemini. You’re used to pivoting quickly, and as a result, you can be more decisive than ever, utilizing Six of Wands energies to make some powerful moves.

Highlight: Increased Confidence 

When others lose their cool over unexpected twists and turns due to all the retrogrades we’re moving through this month, your adaptability allows you to shine, especially in the first half of August. Utilize the new moon in Leo and the 8.8 Portal to hone in on what you’re manifesting, and it is all yours.

Heads Up: Stay in Your Own Energy Field

This month, colleagues and clients will likely be more indecisive and less committed than usual. Don’t let this throw you off your game. This turbulence will settle by the end of the month, but in the meantime, stay focused on your energy and don’t allow external chaos to become contagious.

Mantra: I Wanna Thank Me

Meghan Trainor

Cancer/Cancer Rising (June 21 to July 22)

Card: Nine of Wands

During your solar return in Cancer season, you were able to maintain some essential boundaries at work. These may be tested again during Mercury’s retrograde this month. Nine of Wands reminds you to hold strong even when it feels draining.

Highlight: Perseverance Pays Off

Though you may not enjoy repeating yourself, you’re setting up a solid foundation this month, which will serve you well in terms of receiving increased recognition or a promotion in Q4.

Heads Up: Watch Your Words

Leo season is fiery, especially mid-month. Hold off on confrontations on August 14 (Mars conjunct Jupiter in Gemini) and August 16 (Mars Square Saturn), when it’s more probable that you’ll overreact. It’s better to wait until after the full moon in Aquarius on August 19 to have challenging conversations.

Mantra: Right on Time

Brandi Carlile

Leo/Leo Rising (July 23 to August 22)

Card: Hanged Man

Happy Solar Return, Leo! Your birthday season comes in with a bang as we start the month with a powerful new moon in Leo, followed by the Lion’s Gate Portal on 8.8, showing you that something you may have written off from the past is within reach.

Highlight: Unexpected Surprises

The Hanged Man brings changes of perspectives and combined with Mercury retrograde, it also brings positive blasts from the past. This could be a dream job you applied to and never heard back from, a major client that almost signed but didn’t, or an opportunity to up your skills and your career.

Heads Up: Be Ready to Ride Waves of Uncertainty

It may take well into Virgo season before things feel finalized and grounded. Still, if you can move through the turbulence of Leo season without over-attaching to any outcome, you’ll be rewarded handsomely in September.

Mantra: Blast from the Past


Virgo/Virgo Rising (August 23 to September 22)

Card: Seven of Swords

August feels a bit like Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride, meaning picking your lane early in the month is best. Seven of Swords reminds you that your attention to detail and sharp recall abilities will serve you when others are thrown off-track due to some cosmic chaos this month.

Highlight: Attention to Detail Pays Off

Virgo’s perfectionism serves this month in picking up important details that others may miss. This ability allows you to see solutions in advance. It’s best to gather all the necessary data before revealing plans and initiatives at the end of the month.

Heads Up: Stay Focused

Distractions disguised as a client or workplace drama may arise mid-month. Don’t give this more time and energy than needed, and keep your eyes on the strategy you’ve been honing.

Mantra: It’s Up to Me to Come Up with a Strategy

Archie Bell and the Drells

Libra/Libra Rising (September 23 to October 22)

Card: The Moon

Libras are known for their ability to empathize and see all angles. This month, your fine-tuned judgment will be needed to sort through conflicting opinions regarding a major initiative or project.

Highlight: You Have All the Tools You Need

While others around you may be lost in frustration and confusion, you can make sense of what’s going unnoticed and translate solutions in ways that all sides understand. Use the full moon in fellow air sign Aquarius on August 19 as a checkpoint for the month.

Heads Up: Watch Out for Gossip

It’s best to hold off on sharing your opinions with colleagues when they’re venting this month. This Leo season is more fiery than ever, so it’s important not to unnecessarily fan the flames, especially during the first half of the month.

Mantra: I’ve Got the Power


Scorpio/Scorpio Rising (October 23 to November 21)

Card: The Star

Just as the new moon in Leo arrives on August 4, so does an enticing career opportunity. You have a choice, and there will be ample time to prepare as the Mercury retrograde works in your favor, buying you some extra time.

Highlight: Time is On Your Side

Trust the process as an initial offer or opportunity may hit some delays thanks to Mercury retrograde, but this actually allows you plenty of time to line up everything you need to accept this offer.

Heads Up: Don’t Let Anxiety Override Intuition

Starts and stops are par for the course this month, but it may be tempting to assume the worst when things don’t move as fast as you think they should. Remember that these delays are divinely timed.

Mantra: Perfect Timing

Tone Stith

Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising (November 22 to December 23)

Card: 6 of Pentacles

Despite a few cosmic shakeups this month, you feel like you’re returning to your naturally inspired fiery flow thanks to August starting in fellow fire sign Leo.

Highlight: Back in Flow

If July caused a strain on finances due to a spendy vacation or unexpected bills, Leo season is here to bring in more abundance regarding increased clients and sales. Pay special attention to the Lion’s Gate 8.8 Portal to welcome in new sources of income.

Heads Up: Don’t Look Backward

It may be tempting to look back at challenges or mistakes from the early part of the year into the last month, but it’s more productive to focus on the present and future regarding where new sources of abundance will come from.

Mantra: Here Comes the Comeback

Danny Gokey

Capricorn/Capricorn Rising (December 22 to January 19)

Card: The Hermit

Hermit mode usually isn’t hard for driven workaholic Capricorns, but Leo season brings many unexpected challenges to be solved. The Hermit reminds you to listen to your inner guidance system over outside noise and opinions.

Highlight: Anchor into the Future Timeline You’re Manifesting

Throughout the first three weeks of August, your phone and inbox will likely explode even more than usual. This opens many new doors, making it pivotal to stay focused on your long-term goals and discern which opportunities are best to pursue.

Heads Up: Mindful of Distractions

Mercury’s retrograde and tricky Mars placements mid-month may cause you to feel like your head is spinning with changes daily, if not hourly. This month, more than ever, it’s essential to follow your intuition when prioritizing what to give your attention to.

Mantra: Eyes on the Prize

Bruce Springsteen

Aquarius/Aquarius Rising (January 20 to February 18)

Card: Two of Cups

If you aren’t sure what to call in with the new moon in Leo at the beginning of the month (August 4), more support and collaboration in the vein of Two of Cups will help you complete a significant initiative.

Highlight: Support is All Around

Yes, more work will likely be piled on your desk in early August, but the good news is that support is near-at-hand. As soon as you reach out, help is on the way.

Heads Up: Allow Yourself to Receive Help

It feels like you’ve gotten used to being the one to tie up all the loose ends and wear more hats than you’d like to. Just because you can doesn’t mean it’s good for you to do so—allow yourself to delegate and receive support this month.

Mantra: We’re on Each Other’s Team


Pisces/Pisces Rising (February 19 to March 20)

Card: Strength

You may have asked yourself, “When will things feel easier at work?” for the better part of 2024. August isn’t necessarily easier, but you’re feeling much more in your element due to doors finally opening that you’ve been knocking on for the past few months.

Highlight: Remembering Your Super Powers

Pisces are known as the dreamers of the zodiac, and this month shows that your ability to dream big is paying off. Certain naysayers who couldn’t see what you did seem to be changing their tune in this Mercury retrograde, causing some doors closed in the past to reopen.

Heads Up: Trust Yourself

It’s understandable if you feel a little battle-scarred from the first half of 2024, but use that Pisces intuitive vision to power forward, because, by month’s end, you have a big win to celebrate that will bring in significant abundance.

Mantra: Stronger

Kelly Clarkson

Seize your opportunity

Harness the passion and confidence of Leo season to level up your existing career—or completely redefine it. No matter what you’re after, we’re here to help make it real. Take a free tech skill class, sign up for a free info session, or attend a free career development event, register for a hands-on workshop — or begin a fresh career path with one of our full-time or part-time bootcamps or short courses.

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